Used to enhance the rooting of ornamentals in several countries within and outside the EU for over 80 years.
Rhizopon rooting powder or tablets ensure:
- A uniformly shaped root system around the base of the cuttings ensures a better anchoring of the plant in the pot or soil and enables a balanced build-up of the plant.
- Increased predictability in the propagation of the crop. This ensures the producer of the starting material reliability.
- Healthy crops, less sensitive to pests and diseases due to the optimal rooting.
Available Rooting power percentage:
- Chryzopon rose 0.1%,
- Chryzotop green 0.25%
- Chryzotek beige 0.4%
- Chryzosan white 0.6%
- Chryzoplus grey 0.8%
- Rhizopon AA 0.5%
- Rhizopon AA 1%
- Rhizopon AA 2%